Let's talk about Quality?

Let's talk about Quality?

Quality is an important topic in any organization that seeks excellence in its products and services. ISO (International Standardization Organization) 9000 establishes that: “an organization focused on quality promotes a culture that results in behaviors, attitudes, activities and processes that add value by meeting the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant stakeholders”; simply put, quality is the set of cultural actions that responsibly add values. Thus, one of the values that relate to quality is transparency and clear communication, especially with consumers. 

Transparency is an increasingly relevant challenge in today's market, and it is essential for building trust and customer loyalty. Transparency is directly related to the presentation of what is produced, making it possible to understand exactly what users will receive, how it was produced, and what the quality standards involved are.

Quality at FanTR: commitment to excellence

In pursuit of excellence in its products and services, FanTR adopts the international standard ISO 9001, which establishes requirements for an effective quality management system in an organization. One of the main guidelines of ISO 9001 is the principle of continuous improvement, which refers to an organization's commitment to continuous improvement, which is essential for the effectiveness of its management system.

Since 2015, FanTR has been certified ISO 9001, which certifies that all processes carried out in the company comply with established standards, which are normative, statutory, and/or regulatory. This means that any type of processing carried out within FanTR will result in products of the same quality, providing a positive experience for our customers every time.

With a solid culture of continuous improvement in its processes, FanTR celebrates, in 2023, a successful decade in offering technological solutions that have become a world reference in several applications, especially in Brazil and South America. The wide adoption of our technology in other countries is the result of hard work and dedication, and it is an indication of FanTR's commitment to always seeking excellence in its activities.

New FanTR Quality Policy

The Quality policy is the objective to which we commit ourselves to achieve. Achieving it is essential for it not to be just a document, but a palpable and effective reality in our daily activities. The modifications carried out were fundamental to improve the previous conditions and make FanTR's quality management system even more mature. This included establishing new processes and procedures for dealing with situations such as complaints, root cause analysis, and improvements. In addition, we are also approaching a new aspect related to the provision of services, seeking to ensure excellence in our services.

FanTR is a young company with huge potential to grow and stand out in the market. We believe that quality is the key to success, and we encourage our employees to embrace a culture of quality without limiting thoughts, always encouraging them to keep an open mind and commit to excellence in all that they do.

Our commitment to quality and excellence is what allows us to be a benchmark in the market and consolidate our brand. We are not content with being just another company, our goal is to make a difference and be remembered by society as an innovative company that is concerned about its customers.

<br> <b> Lucas Oliveira da Costa </b><br> QMS Leadership

Lucas Oliveira da Costa
QMS Leadership

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